Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Can Vitamin C Cure Deadly Infections and Neutralize Potent Toxins

Colorado Springs, Colorado�November 14, 2002�When dosed high enough, vitamin C alone can cure life-threatening infections and neutralize many otherwise fatal toxin exposures, according to author Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D. in his new book, Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable. In citing over 1,200 articles from scientific and medical journals around the world, Dr. Levy shows that many viral diseases such as polio, hepatitis, and encephalitis have been consistently cured by high doses of vitamin C given intravenously. While maintaining that lower doses of vitamin C taken by mouth may have little or no effect on many infections, Dr. Levy adds that high enough doses administered directly into the blood can demonstrate clinical effects that border on the unbelievable. He notes that large enough oral doses of vitamin C can prevent many infections, but intravenous dosing is often needed to cure infections already contracted.

An extensive chapter outlines the evidence that many potent toxins are completely neutralized by a prompt and vigorous dosing of vitamin C, even though current medicine offers little or no other effective treatments for them. Dr. Levy cites literature that shows vitamin C can completely reverse and clinically cure advanced poisonings from agents such as tetanus toxin, mushroom toxin, barbiturates, snakebite venom, and heavy metals like lead, to name only a few. Because of this toxin-neutralizing ability, Dr. Levy further notes that the scientific evidence supports vitamin C as being an ideal agent for treating many of the infectious diseases that also produce very potent toxins, such as diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough).

The importance of giving a high enough dose of vitamin C directly into the blood is repeatedly emphasized. Dr. Levy asserts that virtually all of the studies proclaiming the ineffectiveness of vitamin C for given infections or toxins use very small doses, sometimes several thousand-fold too small. A chapter documenting the safety of vitamin C at daily doses up to 300,000 mg is included. Compelling evidence is presented contradicting the common belief that vitamin C causes kidney stones.

The reader is challenged to scientifically evaluate all of the assertions made in the book. Many of the articles cited come from the most highly esteemed medical journals in the world, including The New England Journal of Medicine, The Lancet, and The Journal of the American Medical Association. The book is nicely arranged so that the reader can quickly go to a particular infection or toxin and see what specific effects vitamin C has been reported to have on that condition over the last century. The scientific literature on vitamin C and over 25 infectious diseases and 100 toxic agents is examined.

Can these fantastic assertions of Dr. Levy really be correct? Even if the abilities of vitamin C have been overstated in this book, it appears that the intravenous dosing of high doses of vitamin C warrants serious consideration as at least an additional treatment for many infections and poisonings.

Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins

Curing the Incurable

Library of Congress Number: 2002093697; 451 pages

ISBN: 1-4010-6964-9 (Hardcover); 1-4010-6963-0 (Softcover)

Published by Xlibris Corporation


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Abunda Life partner. Detox America Sauna, Dr. Sorge