Tuesday, February 26, 2008

NJ and MD Parents Act on Vaccine Law Reforms

by Barbara Loe Fisher

Parents in New Jersey are calling on NJ Governor Corzine and state legislators to reverse the state Health Department's recent order to add four new vaccines to state vaccine mandates and to support the addition of a conscientious belief exemption to NJ vaccine laws (A260 and S107). Parents in Maryland are calling on state legislators to support the Mercury and Lead Reduction Act (HB506 and SB304). Vaccine safety and informed consent activists are urging that citizens living in both states take action this week.

New Jersey Action Alert

Sue Collins, co-founder of NJAICV, has issued an Action Alert for New Jersey residents to make a personal call to NJ Governor Corzine and their state legislators offices tomorrow, Feb.27, and ask for (1) reversal of the state Health Department's recent order to add 4 new vaccines to the mandates for day care and school admission; and (2) support for the conscientious belief exemption to vaccination.

"Even if you have called in the past, it is crucial that you call again," said Sue. "The full Assembly meets this week and we want them to be talking about this legislation. There is a groundswell of support for giving parents in NJ the freedom to exercise a conscientious belief exemption to vaccination. The Govenor has already received more than 1,000 calls protesting the new mandates. We need everyone to get involved."

Governor Corzine: Call 609-292- 6000
Message: Stop the new vaccine mandates. Support a conscientious belief exemption to vaccination.

NJ Legislators: To find your district and state legislator, go to http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/members/legsearch. asp
Message: Stop the new vaccine mandates. Co-sponsor A260 (if an Assemblyperson) or S107 (if a Senator) that adds a conscientious belief exemption to NJ state vaccine laws.

The following NJ legislators should be called and thanked for co-sponsoring the conscientious belief exemption legislation: NJ Assemblypersons Charlotte Vandervalk, Peter Biondi, John McKeon, Sheila Oliver, Pamela Lampet, Joan Voss, Linda Stender, Michael Doherty, Jon Bramnick; and NJ State Senators Anthony Bucco and Andrew Ciesla.

Contact Sue Collins to report any feedback from legislators at NJAICV@aol.com

Maryland Action Alert

Maryand vaccine safety activist Mike Dow reports that the sponsors of the Lead and Mercury Reduction Act (HB586 and SB304), Delegates Sue Kullen and Nicholaus Kipke and Senator Thomas "Mac" Middleton, have requested that all concerned citizens living in Maryland contact their state legislators now and urge them to support the legislation.

"Negotiations are at a crucial point. If HB 586 and SB 304 have any chance of being passed, Senators and Delegates must hear from their constituents now," said Mike. "Faxes and email letters of support are needed, not phone calls, at this point."

To find out who your MD state representative is:
http://mdel ect.net/electedofficials/
Contact information for MD Senators:
http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdm anual/05sen/html/senal.html
Contact information for MD Delegates:
http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdm anual/06hse/html/hseal.html
Message: Support the Lead and Mercury Reduction Act (HB586 for Delegates and SB304 for Senators).

"Please capitalize and bold the name of the legislation - THE LEAD AND MERCURY REDUCTION ACT," said Mike. "Include a very brief explanation as to why you want the bill to be passed. No long letters. The legislators want and need to hear from their constituents now. Please include your name and address on the bottom of each email. Phone number is optional."

If you have any questions, contact Mike Dow at mikewdow@msn.com

Lead and Mercury Reduction Act Summary: FOR the purpose of prohibiting certain persons from administering vaccines that contain more than a certain amount of mercury per dose; prohibiting the sale, offer for sale, or distribution in the State of certain drugs that contain mercury; prohibiting the sale, offer for sale, or distribution in the State of cosmetics that contain lead or mercury; providing for a delayed effective date; and generally relating to prohibitions against the administering of vaccines with specified levels of mercury and the sale of cosmetics and specified drugs that contain mercury.

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Abunda Life partner. Detox America Sauna, Dr. Sorge